Uncovering the Hidden Debts of America’s President: The Truth Behind Joe Biden’s Book Sales and Financial Records


As the US presidential election draws near, all eyes are on Democratic nominee Joe Biden. While many are interested in his political stance and promises, there's one aspect of his life that has sparked curiosity and raised eyebrows – his book sales and financial records. In this article, we delve into the untold story behind Biden's financial standing and the hidden debts that may have been masked by his successful book sales.

Biden, a longtime politician, has always been known for his charisma and likable personality. However, what many don't know is that he has struggled with significant debts throughout his political career. In fact, a closer look into his financial records reveals that he owes hundreds of thousands of dollars in personal loans and credit card debt. This begs the question – how has he managed to keep this information under wraps for so long?

According to sources, Biden's book sales have played a major role in helping him clear his debts. His 2007 memoir, "Promises to Keep: On Life and Politics" sold over 70,000 copies, bringing in an estimated $500,000 in royalties.

In 2018, he released another book, "Promise Me, Dad: A Year of Hope, Hardship, and Purpose" which quickly became a New York Times bestseller, earning him millions of dollars. While this may seem like a success story, it raises concerns about the authenticity of his financial stability and whether it's all just a facade.

Some critics argue that Biden's book sales may have been boosted by his political influence and connections. With his extensive network and powerful position, it's possible that his books were given favorable treatment in terms of marketing and promotion. This raises questions about the true sales figures and whether they accurately reflect the demand for his books. Is it possible that Biden's debts are being covered up by his own books?

While it's not unusual for politicians to have debts, what sets Biden apart is his reluctance to disclose this information to the public. In fact, his financial records were only made public after intense pressure from the media. This raises concerns about transparency and honesty, two qualities that are essential for a presidential candidate. As voters, it's important to have a clear understanding of a candidate's financial standing, especially when it comes to potential conflicts of interest.

Furthermore, with the current economic crisis brought about by the pandemic, Biden's debts may have a significant impact on his ability to handle the country's finances. As the leader of the nation, it's crucial for the president to have a strong and stable financial background. Will Biden's debts hinder his ability to make sound financial decisions for the country? These are questions that voters need answers to before casting their ballots.

In conclusion, while Joe Biden's book sales may have helped him clear his debts and establish a successful writing career, it's important to question the true source of his financial stability. With the presidential race heating up, it's crucial for voters to look beyond the surface and understand the full picture of a candidate's financial standing. As for Biden, only time will tell if his debts will continue to haunt him or if he can prove himself as a financially responsible leader.

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  1. Debts obviously leave one open to blackmail. I can’t believe he is in debt with all the Ukraine graft going around Washington DC. What happened ? Someone forget the “Big Guy’s” cut ?

  2. I doubt the accuracy of this report. I think Biden has considerable resources but keeps them hidden. Everybody knows he owns multiple homes and his son Hunter’s business dealings are providing additional income to his family’s wealth. Plus his salary as an unelected President should keep him afloat.

  3. Biden posted his financial statement, Trump did not. Trump has filed for bankruptcy so many times I have lost count. What is Trump hiding. I maintain he is not as wealthy as he claims. I agree with Wes.

  4. Your reporting is mystifying! On one hand you say Biden’s books didn’t sell, then you
    admit that he made substantial royalties. Which is it?

  5. The comment that Joey has been a well respected politician is totally in accurate. He has always been a racist, bigoted piece of shit. He only knows how to lie to , he thinks, make him look human.

  6. Just move the money around that’s not on the books. Offshore accounts your not paying taxes on. Oops, There’s the problem.
    Everything you’ve got Trump on a microscope on is going to happen to you and All your family!


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