Global Pushback Against the Greens Intensifies


Around the globe, a growing resistance against environmentalist policies and the green movement is gaining momentum. This backlash is emerging in various sectors, from corporate boardrooms to governmental bodies, as the economic and social impacts of stringent environmental regulations become more evident.

The environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing trend, which has dominated the financial sector in recent years, is facing significant opposition. Critics argue that ESG criteria, intended to promote sustainability and social responsibility, often impose unrealistic and economically damaging demands on businesses. Warren Buffett, a prominent figure in the financial world, has voiced strong opposition to ESG investing, describing it as a distraction from the primary goal of companies, which is to maximize shareholder value​.

In the United States, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has introduced climate-disclosure rules requiring public companies to report their greenhouse gas emissions and climate-related risks. These regulations have been criticized as burdensome and detrimental to business operations. Many argue that such rules prioritize environmental activism over economic stability, potentially leading to higher costs for consumers and stifling business innovation​.

Globally, the pushback is not limited to the corporate sphere. In Europe, several countries are re-evaluating their green policies due to rising energy costs and economic challenges. The backlash is particularly pronounced in the automotive industry, where manufacturers are grappling with the high costs associated with transitioning to electric vehicles. This transition has led to significant job losses and economic strain in regions heavily reliant on traditional automotive manufacturing​ ​.

Additionally, there is growing skepticism about the effectiveness of certain green policies. Critics argue that while the intention behind these policies is noble, their implementation often falls short of achieving meaningful environmental benefits. Instead, they sometimes result in unintended economic consequences, such as increased energy prices and reduced industrial competitiveness​​.

One notable example is the green energy sector itself, where subsidies and mandates for renewable energy sources have led to higher electricity prices and grid instability in some regions. This has sparked debates about the viability and sustainability of a rapid shift to renewable energy without adequate infrastructure and technological advancements​​.

Moreover, the political landscape is shifting as well. In various countries, populist movements are capitalizing on public dissatisfaction with green policies to gain support. These movements often highlight the economic hardships imposed by environmental regulations, advocating for a more balanced approach that considers both environmental and economic factors.

In summary, the global pushback against the green movement underscores the complexities of implementing environmental policies in a way that balances sustainability with economic realities. As this resistance continues to grow, it raises critical questions about the future direction of environmentalism and its impact on the global economy.


  1. Seems to me that farmers have been growing crops for eons. Dairy farms have been producing milk & cattle ranchers & pig & goat /sheep farmers have done the same. Why “now” is their methane a problem? People produce more methane than animals since there’s more of “us”. Climate change is nothing but lunacy. This “green new deal” is NOTHING but “globalists” trying to subvert “the masses” into their POWER! Time for the billionaires to be held accountable! “THEY” can eat lobster & steak while the rest of “us” survive on rice & beans. It’s time to get “rid” of MONEY TALKS & B.S. WALKS! TAX THESE ELITES TO THE HILT!


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