Biden and Obama Join Forces for Fundraising Event with George


As the 2024 presidential election draws near, it seems that former Vice President Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama have put their differences aside and joined forces for a fundraising event in June. But what makes this event even more intriguing is the involvement of none other than George, the controversial figure at the center of many conservative debates.

From a conservative point of view, this alliance between Biden and Obama may come as a surprise. After all, the two have had a rocky relationship in the past, with Obama often overshadowing Biden during their time in the White House. But now, it seems they have set their sights on a common goal – raising funds for their party.

The event, which is set to take place in June, has already sparked controversy among conservative circles. Many see it as a blatant attempt to gain financial support and influence from George, who is known for his large donations to political causes. This move by Biden and Obama only fuels the already existing mistrust towards them from conservatives.

Furthermore, the timing of this event is raising eyebrows as well. With the 2024 election just around the corner, it seems that Biden and Obama are trying to secure their position as leaders of the Democratic party. And what better way to do so than by cozying up to someone with deep pockets like George?

Conservatives are also questioning the motives behind this sudden alliance. Is it purely for financial gain, or are there underlying political agendas at play? Some are speculating that Biden and Obama are using George's influence to further their own agendas and secure their power in the party.

But one thing is for sure – this fundraiser has brought unlikely allies together, and it has caused quite a stir in the conservative community. Many are calling it a "marriage of convenience" between Biden and Obama, who may have had their differences in the past but are now united by a common goal.

Some are even questioning the morality of this alliance, considering George's controversial reputation. As a known donor to various liberal causes and organizations, he has often been at the center of conservative criticism. And now, by aligning themselves with him, Biden and Obama are inviting even more scrutiny from the right.

In the end, only time will tell what this alliance between Biden, Obama, and George will bring. But from a conservative point of view, it is a move that raises many red flags and calls into question the integrity and true motives of these political figures. One thing is for sure – this event will be closely watched and dissected by both sides of the political spectrum.

What are YOUR thoughts on Obama?

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  1. The left has now bypassed socialism and fascist doctrine and jumped to all out communism
    America is now at risk of losing our freedoms and our republic

  2. Obama is was and is financed by George Soros. Biden has been fleecing the American people from the day he took office many years ago. Throw Hillary in this den of thieves and our country is in big trouble. Losing our freedom and controlling our entire lives. They want a one party dictatorship. If this doesn’t worry you, it should. Plus open borders have put terrorist in every state. This isn’t just a border issue anymore. It will affect every state and every person.

  3. Obama is a disgrace to his race. Instead of the 1st black AMERICAN President being a shining role model, he has been a corrupt, divisive Marxist who has enriched himself at the expense of the American citizens, the nation & the principles it was founded upon.

    • The first time I heard Obama give his polished speech, he reminded me of a snake oil salesman from the old West movies. I could never understand how people couldn’t realize there is bad change. Listening to Obama talk about changes, people just assumed it was all good change. I think some people are rethinking Obama’s changes.

  4. Whatever Obama invited are doing, you could bet the bank on it That it’s not good for this country anyway, they don’t do nothing for anybody but themselves including the Clintons so whatever they do some they’re filling their pockets. They power the money more than this country and George is another fucking piece of shit uses his money to stare up trouble. The worst president in history I believe is Biden Obama and Carter for the reason with that Cuban deal with Castro sending all the nuts and criminals from his island to Florida that time what a stupid move that Carter made hopefully Trump will get back in and put this country back in order if he does it we’re in deep shit , hopefully he’ll go after the bite is in the Clintons those trees. It is crooks.

  5. Obama should be imprisoned for crimes against America and Americans. Anybody who tries to take our country down must be put in prison.

  6. I have felt that Obama has been in the background since O’Biden took office. He could be O’Biden’s pick for VP and yes, if Biden were to pass away, he would become President. His now working with Obama is his means of becoming president. When Obama was president there was speculation back then that he would run for president again. Gotta stop him and George Soros. There should be a total limit of donating money for campaigns. Soros needs to think about his life in Hungary. Does he not remember?

  7. Obma and fjb is nothing but liars and his agenda is to destroy America and its values, and shut down our economy and refineries that provide electricity, and what no body wants to understand is no electricity no driving any where
    Stuck right where they want us 🤬

  8. Every Character mentioned here needs to be Arrested, Charged, and Prosecuted for High Treason against the United States Of America. They (all of them) believe that all they need to do is throw inconceivable amounts of money at their plan and they will win. But, they have made One Huge Error, they haven’t managed to Brainwash Every Real American. Nor will they. They are going to Fail Miserably at this Game and their own Policies Are indeed Failing all by themselves.

  9. If biden win again i believe there is going to be a civil war in this country . people are tired of what to buy and high prices and all these illegals coming in this country that we are going to have to support. these illegals are getting more money then people that worked all their lives from SS.

  10. American’s need to open their eyes to what is going on with the left wing agenda. Obama is still running the country, as Biden is so weak, clueless and brainless. I feel there will not be an election in November, because the deep state is trying everything to keep President Trump out of office. We as Americans need to stand up and take back our freedom and economy.

  11. EVERYTHING we are experiencing on our nation, started with Obama and his ilk from Chicago. Remember he said”I will change this country as you know it!” Well it took him a THIRD TERM TO DO IT-he just needed a puppet to finish this destruction. Such a shame to watch our Republic destroyed by men who hate this country and want control at ANY cost! I pray we can turn this around for the citizens of our great USA!

  12. George Soros’ son is partying with Uma Abadean the grand daughter of the founder of THE MOSLOM BROTHERHOOD. This is the same woman who married a Jew without objection from The Brotherhood. No Fatwa issued. She also served within the Clinton Family Trust as well as assisting HRC failed presidential bid. Ahhhhh the tangled web we weave. Seems real easy to pull the wool over heads of our elected representatives in DC!

  13. “sudden alliance”? Have you been hiding under a rock. George has had his hand in most of what the Democrats have been up to for some time. He has very deep pockets and very deep connections. Much of the current spate of problems are a direct result of his influence. AGs and DAs who won’t prosecute and are soft on crime were almost universally elected because their campaigns were funded by George. Open Society Foundation funds candidates who enact lax border security. Why won’t you say his last name? George Soros is an evil man and his actions have brought untold pain to millions. His actions have fueled the Fentanyl crisis, abetted the rise of the CCP’s power and have brought this country to the brink of destruction. He is a plague upon the earth and his son is preparing to follow in his foot steps.

  14. Obama, George Soros, Lying, Palagerizing, thieving Joe Biden and the “SOCIALISTS” who have finally outed themselves as The American Communist Democratic Party! Three cheers for the real answer to all the insane DESTROY DEMOCRACY ACTIONS by Barrack & Biden now formaly
    connected to the despot and anti-American George Soros!

  15. Just a quick thought: AM I THE ONLY ONE: with references to the blm and antifa riots; antifa’s infiltration on
    Jan 6th, that’s been proven in court and ending with a prison sentence (Trump would never be associated with antifa, they’re the democrat’s party favors); any protest over anything; and now what’s going on across College campuses with the Palestinian sympathizers: violence, death threats to Jewish students, threats of burning Columbia University, breaking the law, civil disobedience, inciting an insurrection by taking command of an administrative building and putting up barricades; Palestinian sympathizers across the country, blocking traffic, airports, acting like toddlers having a temper tantrum over a situation they know nothing about, and being labeled “useful idiots” by Hamas, WHO BELIEVES THAT THE ENTIRE SOROS



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